Precinct Committee Persons
What is a PCP?
According to Oregon Revised Statute 248.015:
A precinct committee person shall be a representative of the major political party in the precinct.
In other words, PCPs play a key grassroots role in the operation of the Crook County Democratic Central Committee and the Democratic Party of Oregon.
What Do PCPs Do?
- Elect their county party leadership
- Have a voice and vote in filling state legislative vacancies
- Help with the operations of county parties
- Propose and vote on county party motions and resolutions
- Outreach for their county parties at community events
- Help facilitate local Get-Out-The-Vote efforts
- Volunteer recruitment and development
- Represent the Democratic voters in their communities
Filing to run for the office of PCP is now closed…
- Election for these positions are on the primary ballots of even-numbered years
- Filing opening and closing dates vary based on the date of the primary election
- Each PCP serves a 2-year term in the position or until the next election period
- Each precinct in Oregon is delegated at least one PCP per 250 registered voters
- PCPs become voting members of their county party’s Central Committee
- Existing PCPs must refile to run again by completing the SEL 105 candidate filing form can be found here.
- Those desiring to become PCPs but who do not want to be on the ballot can be appointed by the CCDCC Chair
Who is eligible to become a PCP?
- You must be registered to vote in the county where you are filing to run or being appointed as a PCP
- You must also be a registered Democrat for a minimum of 180 days prior to the filing date in order to become a Democratic PCP
- You must return your completed filing form to your local county elections office by the filing deadline, which varies according to the primary election date
Interested in becoming a Precinct Committee Person or just want more information?
Email us at